Nutritional Detoxification
A detoxification diet gives you a break from chemicals such as pesticides, food additives, air pollutants and heavy metals that are found in the common diet and air, which burdens our organ systems and cellular function. Our detox diet emphasizes foods that provide vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants that are needed for the body to rejuvenate and repair itself. After a detox, people often report improved energy, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity.
Homeopathy is an energy medicine, which uses plant, mineral or animal substances in dilute amounts to stimulate the innate ability of the vital force (immune system) to heal itself. The Law of Similars, or the concept of “like cures like”, is the basic principle of homeopathy. Each patient is analyzed regarding their unique nature, and the homeopathic remedy is selected based on the totality of the symptoms and sensations, not on the type of disease or diagnosis.